Treasure Trooper

Saturday, April 18, 2009

NeoBux Success Story

I'd like to switch up my posts for today to keep things interesting. Instead of a "How to" Make money online post..I would like to encourage you all with a little something I bumped into that first got me started as well. Enjoy =)

I found a very Inspirational story on the NEOBUX forums that I would like to share with you guys, here it is!

"If you have been here for awhile you have probably seen me and my wife (sho03004) around the forum and chat.We try to stay informed and help other users that are struggling and feeling helpless with their earnings.Generally the answer to most of these concerns is to simply recycle a little more and to recycle the right people.

At any rate I'm extremely happy with Neobux, Admin, kcartesius, and TheRekz and everything they have done for me and my wife.

I joined Neobux on April, 27th 2008 just after I had been burned by the infamous you know who site.I had lost about $650 in real money and they owed me a $2500 cashout, that still to date has not been recieved.So to no surprise my wife was not excited about Neobux and what they had to offer.I joined....secretly.Upgraded as soon as possible and was on my way!

I clicked religiously for a week or two, and slowly died off just like many rented referrals you have had in the past, or that you may have right now.

I came back to Neobux a couple of weeks later with my golden/pioneer membership and started the fight for referrals.Waiting everyweek simply was not fast enough for me.I'm not patient if you can't tell.

I soon tranfered the maximum amount I could from my alertpay account and quickly came away with over 1000 referrals for the referral jackpot.I was on fire.Earning a couple of dollars a day.It just wasn't enough.I got a small loan from my bank.Then began the long process of transferring money and winning jackpots!I uses my earnings, and put more money in and continued to win over and over.

At this point it is mid July, then I decided to let my wife in on my secret.She was furious!Expect for the part where I was actually getting paid!Is explained why Neobux was different, and why they would be around in the future, and why the other thieves I worked with wouldn't be around much longer.Whatever I said it worked!She wanted in instantly.We signed her up and she got a loan in her name, and we continued to do the same thing.She wanted our accounts seperate because I'm a student at BYU-Idaho, and she graduated with a communications degree.What I'm saying is that she brings home the bacon, and she wanted her account for her own play money.

Now that we are both making some great money we are paying bills, paying down debt, and trying to pay for her medical bills.It is never ending it seems but Neobux was our last resort, and has completely been a life saver.

I have nothing negative to say about Neobux, they are very ethical, and forth coming with information to its members.Thank you for your honesty, and integrity.

One more special thank you to kcartesius.Keep up the good work!

Andrew & Corey"

His current Stats are:
Received: $55686.99
Balance: $485.22
Referrals: 14535
Jackpots: 17

His Wife's are:
Received: $73557.95
Balance: $958.30
Referrals: 27803
Jackpots: 4

Amazing achievement for those two..bold of them to be willing to invest after a devastating loss. This just goes to say that in order to make it big you have to risk it big too. There have been millions of people out there that are bitter from getting scammed and so forth...when you look to invest in sites, make sure you do your research! Neobux has my recommendation and support 110%!

Goodluck out there referrals!
P.s. if you joined under my referral, and want to get in on the BONUS cash, make sure to leave a comment with your name and e-mail (paypal) and i'll get back to you with the details! thanks and have fun earning all!


  1. hey signed up under neobux bradmauer

    if you get a chance check this out for me plz

  2. i wish you the best of luck brad!
    Feel free to ask any questions if you need it

  3. referral 4/14/09 - kingsarge -

  4. Shinigami4 -; would be really really helpful, I'm in a great money problem... thanks for bonus!!

  5. Received first bonus paycheck of $20 within 48hours of emailing! Thanks for the payment! Will I continue getting bonus paychecks? or just the first one? Really pays to go golden here..

  6. hey nice site check out my one


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